
August 31, 2005

I don't think she saw this one coming. He he. Posted by Picasa

Hey, even babies have to clean their nails. Posted by Picasa

Ava chillin' out on the couch watching Sportscenter, wondering why Florida was picked to win the SEC (who names their kid "Urban" anyways???). Posted by Picasa

Boo! Posted by Picasa

Ava trying to figure out where her "paci" is. Posted by Picasa

Ava's rendition of the "Dancing Baby". Posted by Picasa

Ava waiting for a hug. Posted by Picasa

Ava discussing her hair situation with her mother. Posted by Picasa

Everybody look!!!! It's MOM!!!! Posted by Picasa

Why, even at the ripe old age of 14 weeks, does my child seem to have already developed sarcastic facial gestures? Posted by Picasa

Yep, that's my kid. Posted by Picasa

Here Ava is trying to gnaw on her own arm. I'm thinking that maybe Hillary needs to feed her??? Posted by Picasa

Here, Ava is attempting to impale herself with her pacifier.  Posted by Picasa

August 29, 2005

Ok, there are more pictures coming tonight. I finally found a charger that works with the digital camera.

From what Bub said, Thomas and Frank stayed in Fairhope. Hillary said that there were 40 foot storm surges in Mobile Bay. Hmmm, I really hope Thomas took some pictures. That has to be freaky.

August 26, 2005

Ava loves her Paci. As you can see, she likes to cuddle with it. I have no idea why...and then there is the SpaceShip... Posted by Picasa

Ava once again attempting to figure out how to get those socks off.  Posted by Picasa

No, Zoe is not drunk. She always squints her eyes.  Posted by Picasa

Hi Elvis. How's that lamb? Posted by Picasa

I think she is scared of the flash.  Posted by Picasa

This is Ava's Summer Home in St. Croix. Nice huh? Posted by Picasa

I think she looks a little TOO relaxed.  Posted by Picasa

Here is Ava at Stepping Stone (that's where she is going to "school") with her boyfriend? I don't know, that's what Hillary called him.  Posted by Picasa

Our daughter preening with the SpaceShip...(you DO notice the hand behind her head?) Posted by Picasa

Um yeah, Hillary took this picture. Posted by Picasa